Rawa Pening is a name of a lake which is located in the small town of Ambarawa, in the district of Semarang, Central Java. With an area of 2670 hectares it occupies the District of Ambarawa, Bawen, Tuntang, and Banyubiru. The lake located on the lower slopes of Mount Merbabu basin, Telomoyo Mountain, and Mount Ungaran, about an hour drive from Semarang, the capital of entral java. Well-known also as a fisherman village.
It's too bad that this lake is experiencing rapid silting. It used to be a very well-known place to catch fish, but now, almost the entire surface is covered with swamp water hyacinth ( locally called "enceng gondok"). They are also already covered Tuntang River, especially in the upstream. Coping with invasive species is done by performing cleaning and training utilization of water hyacinth in the craft, but the pressure is very high plant populations.
I hope that in the future, the lake which is well-known with its water sports activity, will not slowly abandoned and forgoten.
All photos taken using Nikon D200 with lens Tokina AT-X Pro 12-24 mm F4
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very nice